Arista Networks poskytuje switche pro vysoce výkonná datová centra a cloudová výpočetní prostředí. Díky vestavěným mechanismům zařízení je možné dosáhnout velice vysoké škálovatelnosti a nepřekonatelné automatizace, což přináší podstatné snížení nákladů na údržbu vybavení. Síťový operační systém Arista EOS je znám díky extrémně velkému rozsahu rozhraní, které umožňuje hlubokou integraci switchů s orchestračními, monitorovacími a řídicími systémy. Veškeré switche nabízené ze strany Arista Networks jsou navržené tak, aby fungovaly v Datových centrech.
SecureVisio is a modern IT GRC (Governance, Risk management, Compliance) solution designed for any organization, that allows to automate many complex and time-consuming IT security management processes.
Forescout poskytuje řešení pro řízení a kontrolu přístupu k síti.
Imperva mission is simple: Protect the pulse of your business.
Juniper Networks was founded on a simple but incredibly powerful vision for the future of the network: “Connect everything. Empower everyone.” This ideal is the commitment of the company and the mission that drives every Juniper colleague every day.
The use of copper and fiber optic cabling in the office.
Rubrik je revoluční přístup k ochraně kritických zdrojů ve špičkových a vysoce virtuálních datových centrech.
Tufin is the leading provider of Security Lifecycle Management solutions that enable companies to cost-effectively manage their network security policy, comply with regulatory standards, and minimize risks.
The Exabeam security management platform Built on advanced data science, deep security expertise, and proven open source big data solutions.
“Digi International is a recognized supplier of broadly understood Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity solutions. The portfolio includes 3G, LTE and 5G Ready routers for offices or points of sales, dedicated to industrial systems (ISC, SCADA) exposed to adverse environmental conditions, such as temperature, shock, dust, as well as dedicated to supporting logistics fleets, equipped with a GSM module and a cryptographic processor. Digi’s solutions give priority to ensuring continuous connectivity, which is why the routers have high-availability features, such as two LTE modems and two SIM slots. Digi’s portfolio also includes USB and serial communication hubs (RS232/422/428), converters and terminal servers, which along with LTE routers will enable participation in the IoT revolution.
SailPoint Technologies is an American company founded in 2005. For many years it has been a global leader on the market of Identity and Access Management products. SailPoint products allow you to create a coherent and organization-wide policy for managing access to such resources as: data, applications, infrastructure.
Cryptme is the only solution available on the market whose main function is to provide a discrete voice connection that cannot be intercepted (eavesdropped) or recorded digitally or analog. The use is similar to using a regular cell phone. The creation of an additional access terminal is necessary to ensure proper operation. Communication is only possible with a person with a similar set and access to the service.
SentinelOne je poskytovatelem kompletního řešení Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), které reaguje na současné hrozby pro koncové body, včetně ransomwaru a útoků zero-day. Řešení vyvinuté společností SentinelOne chrání počítače zaměstnanců, servery, virtuální počítače a kontejnery v cloudu. Pokrývá všechny fáze prevence rizik a reakce na incidenty - identifikaci hrozeb a ochranu, detekci a reakci na incidenty a obnovu systému v případě narušení bezpečnosti - a splňuje tak očekávání jednotek SOC a CSIRT / CERT.
Armis is a platform that identifies and monitors the behaviour of the devices of the broadly understood Internet of Things that can only be managed to a limited extent or are completely unmanageable. Armis enables detecting devices that the organization was not aware of, such as: televisions, IP cameras, VoIP phones, as well as employees' private devices, and to assess the risk of their presence on the network. It also makes it possible to catalog medical devices (tomographs, X-rays) or industrial devices (PLCs) which, due to their specifics, are outside the control of IT security teams. Due to a wide range of possible integrations (e.g. Check Point Software Technologies, Aruba Networks, Rapid7), it enables automation of security reactions based on the classification of a given device.